League of Legends Clash Tournament 2023: Changes, Rewards & Schedule



League of Legends Clash is a bi-weekly tournament hosted by Riot Games for the LoL community. 

Riot Games launched the Clash tournament in 2020, and the LoL players have since then enjoyed this tournament.

The Clash tournament allows players to team up and compete against other teams on the same skill level.

The tournament will be undergoing some noteworthy changes in the upcoming Ranked Split 2 in Season 13.

In a blog post, the developer announced the upcoming changes that will be coming to the Clash tournament.

After the worldwide launch of Clash, we've learned so much about how players like to use it and its problems.

To end it, we would like to share what we have planned for the entirety of 2023.

The Clash will undergo changes to its Rewards & more in the year 2023.

Read the full story here.