Shinji Mikami, the videogame legend profoundly known for his contributions to the Resident Evil franchise, is reportedly collaborating with Capcom and Platinum Games on a new project. Mikami is an influential figure in the gaming industry and a cult figure in the community.
Being one of the co-creators of the Resident Evil series, he has directed certain hit games like The Evil Within, Dino Crisis, and Resident Evil 4. According to a report published by the Glitched, Mikami made a public post on his Facebook page regarding an unknown remake.
This remake is partnered with Tango Gameworks, a gaming studio owned by Mikami himself, along with Capcom and Platinum Games. Keeping the past work of Mikami in mind, gamers have undoubtedly started theorizing what the remake could possibly be.
Several online communities are staking for a Dino Crisis remake, while many are also hoping that it could be a remake of the God Hand from PlayStation 2. Adding further to the theory, there’s another report from Glitched pointing toward a Reddit user.
Claiming to be a mutual friend of Mikami, the publisher stated that the game director shared a post with him on 1st November regarding a project he was working on related to the God Hand. Certain comments on the discussion further added up to the rumor.
He also claims that Mikami also mentioned about Game Awards in his post, stating that it will be taking place on 8th December and that there’s a high chance the unknown project would be officially revealed at the time of the event.
However, it’s worth keeping in mind that none of these rumors have been confirmed by Mikami or any other concerned organization as of now. Although it might just be speculation, for the time being, we’ll make sure to keep you updated regarding the same.