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Dust 2 is one of the competitive maps in CSGO. Earlier, players of the CSGO loved the DUST maps, and now it has been further improved and advanced to Dust 2. It is a well-balanced map.
List of Dust 2 Callouts in CS:GO
- A Short: This is the exact area where counter-terrorists spawn. This route is the shortcut for them to reach site A. Even for the terrorists, this is a short way.
- T Plat: This raised platform leads from T Spawn to the tunnels outside B.
- T Spawn: This is where the Terrorist side spawns. A small area from the T spawn gives Ts a view of CTs crossing over to the B side.
- Outside Tunnels: It is quite a large area that serves as an entrance to B tunnels. Terrorists pass this place as they make their way to B Site.
- Upper B Tunnels: Terrorists moving to B Site through tunnels would turn left here. A right turn would lead to Mid Site.
- Lower B Tunnels: Terrorists move through these tunnels to reach Mid.
- Close: Attackers should check this corner on B Site, left for terrorists entering through Upper Tunnels. The place is nice for waiting for their victims.
- B Closet: Both teams can hide in this corner on B Site to the right of the Upper Tunnel entrance.
- B Car: Players can hide behind B Car if they hide behind B Closet.
- Fence: A wall on B Site can make counter-terrorists invisible to terrorists entering from the tunnels.
- B Plat: The entrance from Upper Tunnels can be seen from a platform near the B site’s planting area.
- Back Plat: On B Site, there’s an area behind the planting area where both teams can hide.
- Big Box: On the B site, a big box resembles an Xbox in the middle. This is located between the bombsite and B Plat.
- Double Stack: In the middle of the B bombsite, two boxes are stacked on top of one another. There is a difference between these and the boxes that lead to B Window.
- B Default Plant: B Site is the most common place to plant a bomb. In addition to hugging the brick wall, it is located on the other side of the B Doors, just below the B Window.
- B Window: Some boxes help reach CT Mid on B Site and the window leading to it on B Site.
- B Back Site: The back of the B bombsite, viewed from the Tunnel Exit. An area that borders B Plat and is usually behind all the boxes on B.
- B Doors: From CT Mid, you enter B through these double doors.
- B Boxes: Two boxes between CT Mid and B Doors are identified in this callout. Players often use them to observe players trying to move from mid to B.
- Scaffolding: Outside B, on the side of B Window, is scaffolding (building materials). Walking on them gives a good angle for watching mid to B pushes.
- CT Mid: CT Spawn and B Site are separated by this open area. Midway is the point of entry for terrorists.
- Mid Doors: Between CT Mid and Mid, these are big doors. Terrorist snipers use these doors to shoot through.
- Close Mid Doors: If you were going from Mid to CT Spawn, this corner would be to the right. In honor of the North American professional player who pulled off a stunning shot from the location, the shot is commonly called Hiko.
- Xbox: In moving from Lower Tunnels to Mid Tunnels, terrorists face this large box. You can reach A Short by jumping on this box.
- Mid: This large corridor-like area connects T Spawn and CT Mid.
- Palm: A palm tree used to stand next to the now-telephone mast on Midway next to Catwalk.
- Right Side Mid: From Mid Doors, look towards T spawn and see an indented area on the right. As CTs are typically the ones who will call it, this callout is appropriate.
- Top Mid: Toward T Spawn from Mid Doors, the top of Mid can be seen. Suicide is connected to Mid in this way.
- Suicide: The distance between T Spawn and Mid is rather short. However, it is a very dangerous way to travel. From Mid Doors, CT snipers watch this place.
- Outside Long: This is where terrorists move between Long Doors, A Long, and Top Mid.
- Long Doors: In most cases, counter-terrorists protect this entrance from terrorists. You will find two double doors separated by a small room in this room.
- Blue: Across from A Long Doors stands this large, blue shipping crate.
By using callouts, you can increase your game’s efficiency and improve the success rate. See how well coordinated the matches become by using DUST 2 callouts in CS:GO.
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