10+ Best Grenade Spots for Dust 2 in CSGO

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If you have been playing Counter-Strike: GO for a long time, you would know that one of the best and most popular maps in the game is Dust2.


And there is a simple reason why Dust2 is extremely popular among CS:GO players.

It is worth noting that the Dust2 map is quite vast in nature and that there are so many opportunities to explore inside this map that players keep on coming to this map and playing inside it.

Most of the players who are playing online would be playing on Dust2 and if you enter any competitive queue, chances are that you would be playing on the same map as well.

It is said that this map is beginner-friendly while being a tough one to crack which is the reason why you see most people on this map.

Also note that without a proper plan, wandering around Dust2 can be quite risky as the enemies can come from any location and you will be caught in no-man’s land.


A smoke grenade can be used inside this map in order to block the sniper’s vision from the corner of the map looking at you.

But it must be said that people who play it for the first time don’t have a proper plan while entering the game and this is the reason why they lose.

Also, Read: 15+ Best Smoke Spots for Dust 2 in CS:GO

Best Grenade Spots for Dust2 in CS: GO

In this article, we are going to tell you about the best grenade spots for Dust2 in CS: GO.

From T-Spawn

Grenade Spots for Dust 2
T-Spawn Grenade Spots for Dust 2

The best grenade spot for Dust2 in CS: GO is from the T-Spawn without a doubt. This place is also known as A long. 


You can establish a strong position over the A site as terrorists using this site if you learn how to throw a flash from T-Spawn over the entrance of A long.

It is possible to stand up on the car that is in front of you at the A long entrance and then throw the grenade using the jump throw technique.

Since the walls of A long entrance are higher than most, you can throw the grenade from the lower part seen in the image above.

The Cross

Grenade Spots for Dust 2
The Cross Grenade Spots for Dust 2

Next up is The Cross which is also a great grenade spot in Dust2 but the problem is that you can’t create a perfect smokescreen with a single grenade.

Since The Cross is a little too wide, you can stand next to the barrel and aim the grenade so that it will go over the roof of the house and block the cross.


You will also need your teammate’s help to throw another grenade and fill the gap.

New Car

Grenade Spots for Dust 2
New Car Grenade Spots for Dust 2

New Car has quickly become a top grenade spot in Dust2 inside CS: GO because it is easy to hide behind the car.

But what you can do is throw a motolov from top of the house’s roof as we did with The Cross and it will eliminate all the players hiding behind the car as it will catch fire.

From the Skylight

Grenade Spots for Dust 2
Skylight Grenade Spots for Dust 2

When you are walking out of the door, you can use a running jump throw to the middle one and throw it straight down so that it hits everyone present in the area.

This way, you can also prevent your enemies from spotting you as you are walking out of the door.


Mid to A Short

Grenade Spots for Dust 2
Mid to A Short Grenade Spots for Dust 2

The most interesting part of this map is going from mid to A short region. This is also the area where most players get killed due to their negligence.

However, what you can do here is stand right back to the wall and throw the grenade in such a manner that it lands right in the middle.

After that, you can walk towards the door, and the risk of getting hit by snipers is eliminated.

Rush B

Grenade Spots for Dust 2
Rush B Grenade Spots for Dust 2

Rush B is one of the best places to throw a grenade because it does not have a wide entrance which means that the threat of snipers is much less.

You can throw a flash grenade as well which will blind everyone and you can rush B without any problems.


A Site

Grenade Spots for Dust 2
A Site Grenade Spots for Dust 2

In the A site, you can aim towards the goose and throw a molly at it which will not only eliminate any players hiding there but even prevent other players from going there since it will be on fire.

It is also fairly simple because you just have to aim straight at this spot, unlike other spots where you need to throw from the top of a building or aim at the top.

B Site

Grenade Spots for Dust 2
B Site Grenade Spots for Dust 2

We know that entering any new site should always be attempted with caution and that is exactly what you need to do with the B site.

While entering the B site, you can throw a flash at the walls present on both sides so that it can bounce from the walls and you can enter the B site safely.

Lower Tunnels

Grenade Spots for Dust 2
Lower Tunnel Grenade Spots for Dust 2

Lower Tunnels is a great place to eliminate players hiding or moving through the spot because you can target the grenade at top of the tunnel and it will hit the left side middle part.


This will also give you a chance to rush towards them as their vision will be blinded by the grenade.

CT Spawn

Grenade Spots for Dust 2
CT Spawn Grenade Spots for Dust 2

CT Spawn is deemed to be one of the best places to throw grenades in Dust2 because if you have taken the B site under control then you can easily throw a molly at the spot on CT Spawn and the enemies will be left with no options.

They either have to cross the site which will be on fire that will damage them or wait for the fire to go away.

In between, you can easily go to the spot and eliminate the enemies in no time at all.

Short Stairs

Grenade Spots for Dust 2
Short Stairs Grenade Spots for Dust 2

Short Stair is a location in A short where you can throw a molly at the site shown in the picture above and stop the counter-terrorist players from pushing through this location.


However, they may still go through this location even if it is on fire so you need to be prepared for a fight otherwise the advantage will become a disadvantage.

B Main Flash

Grenade Spots for Dust 2
B Main Flash Grenade Spots for Dust 2

In our opinion, the best spot in the entire CS: GO Dust2 Map is the spot overseeing the B main.

From the spot shown in the image down below, you can throw a flash at B main and prevent anyone who is trying to rush through B main.

They will be blinded by the flash and you can easily eliminate them as they won’t be able to take any cover.

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