Sometimes Minecraft survival worlds can be deadly. With the prospect of fighting many mobs at once, your adventure quickly becomes a nightmare.
Those who are slow in such situations will die. So the Potion of Poison comes in useful. It may harm many mobs at once, making it ideal for unexpected and chaotic confrontations.
The method works for both Minecraft Bedrock and Java Edition. Because most in-game mobs spawn at night, you should create a Potion of Night Vision.
What is the Potion of Poison in Minecraft?
As the name suggests, it will potion poison the mobs and players it is used on. It can’t kill a player at full health, but it can make them very vulnerable.
Regardless of level, a bucket of milk may easily heal the symptoms of the Poison Potion. If a witch uses this typical potion on you, a bucket of milk can help. Potion of Poison is the simplest negative potion to make and use.
Here is what we need to make a Potion of Poison in Minecraft.
How to Make a Potion of Poison in Minecraft?
To make a poison potion, you’ll need Glowstone, Redstone, Gunpower, and Dragon’s Breath.
Requirements to make a Potion of Poison in Minecraft:
- A Crafting Table
- A Brewing Stand
- 1 Blaze Powder
- 1 Netherwart
- 1 Spider Eye
- 1 Water Bottle
- Glowstone Dust
- Redstone
- Gunpower
- Awkward Potion
- Dragon’s Breath
How to Make a Poison Potion in Minecraft?
To brew a poison potion, follow these quick steps:
Step 1: First, use a Blaze Rod to make Blaze Powder.
Step 2: Next, make a crafting table out of four wood planks. Warped Planks, Crimson Planks, and other planks can be used.
Step 3: Open the Crafting Table and place it on the ground. Then open it to access the 3X3 crafting grid.
Step 4: After that, it’s time to make a brew stand.
Step 5: Place a Blaze Rod in the top row’s center.
Step 6: In the middle row, place three cobblestones.
Step 7: Open the Brewing Stand and place it on the ground.
Add a Blaze Powder to the upper-left box to activate your Brewing Stand.
Step 9: Finally, place a Water Bottle in one of the three bottom boxes.
Step 10: You can make up to three potions at the same time. Add Water Bottles to the other bottom compartments to do this.
Step 11: Finally, place a Nether Wart in the top box. That is all there is to it.
You must wait until the brewing process is complete before proceeding to the next step.
The bottle will contain an Awkward Potion at the end of the brewing process.
When the bottle is finished, it will contain an Awkward Potion.
Step 12: Add a Spider Eye to the top box to apply the effect.
Step 13: The bottle will now contain a Potion of Poison as a result of the brewing procedure.
How to Make a Splash Potion of Poison in Minecraft?
To make a Splash Potion of Poison, all you have to do is, add Gunpowder to the top box in the brewing menu. Then add regular Potion of Poison to the bottom boxes. It is a very simple process.
How to Make a Lingering Potion of Poison?
To make this Potion of Poison, you have to mix Dragon’s Breath and Splash Potion of Poison.
- Add Dragon’s Breath to the top box
- Add Splash Potion of Poison to the bottom boxes
What Does the Potion of Poison Do?
Taking a Potion of Poison will slowly decrease your health, something you do not want. The Lingering Poison creates a cloud that poisons everyone who touches it.
How to use Potion of Poison?
- Windows PC: Right-click and hold it
- Android Smartphone: Tap and hold on the screen
- Xbox Console: Press and hold the LT button
- PlayStation Console: Press and hold the L2 button
How to Increase the duration of the poison potion?
To make any potion last longer, you must add Redstone dust to it. It’s created by breaking Redstone ore blocks, which are most normally found on the world’s bottommost or Bedrock level. To brew it, put the Redstone dust in the Brewing Stand’s main cell, with the potion bottles at the bottom.
The effects of your Potion of Poison will last 1 minute and 30 seconds instead of 45 seconds if you do so.
Increase Strength of Potion of Poison
Increasing your potions is another method to improve their strength. You can apply glowstone dust to boost your poison potion’s strength and hence its damage.
Brewing Stand Glow Stone Dust
Put the glowstone dust in the main cell of the Brewing Stand, below the potion bottles. The poison potion will then be boosted in strength within seconds. It doesn’t work on potions previously mixed with Redstone dust.