Final Fantasy XIV Macros Guide – Everything You Ought To Know

Final Fantasy XIV Macros Guide - Everything You Ought To Know
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If you want to automate your Final Fantasy XIV experience and play the smart way, this guide fits the bill for you. I’ve been playing this game for a long time, and it never ceases to surprise me how customizable the experience can be. 


One of the most innovative things I found out about the game is Macros. These are a handy way to execute multiple commands with a single button. Macros gradually enhance the usability of various things in FFXIV. 

However, it can be quite intimidating for a novice to get started with them the right way. While various Macros are readily available for the game on the internet, you also need to consider certain things before using them to make the most out of them. 

These include the type of Macro you’re looking to use and for what purpose. In this guide, you’ll learn about these Macros in detail and know how to set them up, along with other necessary details that you should know about. 

Final Fantasy XIV Macros Guide - Everything You Ought To Know

What Exactly Are Macros in Final Fantasy XIV?

In simplest terms, Macros in FFXIV are a way to automate various processes related to the game, including things like removing the game’s HUD, sending scheduled chat messages, ad even accessing a particular function. 

The game also features a User Macro window where you can easily access and manage all your Macros per your preferences. This way, you can create your own macros, save them for later use, and access them at any time. 

Final Fantasy XIV Macros Guide - Everything You Ought To Know

All of your Macros are available on the Hotbar in your game, allowing you to activate them easily in the game, just like any skill or ability in the game. 

How To Produce, Save, and Access Your Macros?

Before we proceed with the advanced stuff, you should first know how to produce, access, and save your Macros in the game. You can create a Macro by heading to the User Macros window in the System tab. 

All the macros you create are automatically shared with all your characters in the game, meaning there’s no need to remake these macros for individual characters. Each tab can accommodate over a hundred Macros in separate tabs.

Final Fantasy XIV Macros Guide - Everything You Ought To Know

To create a Macro, you will have to use the text commands available in the game. Under the User Macros window, you will find a helpful Text Commands button at the bottom-right corner of your screen, where you can find all the available text commands. 

There are a plethora of commands to use, which is why for the sake of simplicity, we’ll be only using a few of these for demonstration. Keep in mind that any Macro can only be of a maximum of 15 lines, which might feel limiting at first, but is more than enough. 


While creating a Macro, you will also have to choose an image for it. Although the game already has a lot of predefined options for these images, you can also set a custom one by just adding a line to your Macro as follows: 

/micon "file-name" [category] 

Using Wait Command To Break Down Macros in Parts 

You may have a clear idea about creating and saving your preferred Macros in FFXIV. Let’s now understand wait commands and how they enhance your Macros. Most of the time, any particular action you want to automate using a Macro consists of a cast time. 

Especially for combat Macros, the wait command allows you to wait for the cast time to finish before you can proceed with the execution of the next Macro command. This helps you concatenate multiple commands together without worrying about any of them being missed out. 

To use the wait command in your Macros, you just have to add the number of seconds you want the script to wait with a trailing # symbol before the command that you want to execute. You can also add it to the same line after your command. 

Remember that the wait command cannot be broken down into fractions of a second. If a particular action takes 2.5 seconds to complete, you would still have to wait three seconds using the wait command. 


Also, a wait command cannot be used to wait for an execution command for more than 60 seconds. Also, if somehow your PC lags, the Macro might break and produce an error message. You should always add a few extra seconds to your scripts. 

Here’s what the syntax for this command would look like: 

/ac "Delicate Synthesis"  

User Macros 

As stated above, the User Macros window is where you will find all your created and saved Macros. There is also a  shared and individual tab in the window, which is self-explanatory. The former is available for all characters you own and the latter for individual ones. 

You can even click and drag a Macro to add it to the Hotbar, activating it in your game just like any other skill. Alternatively, you can simply right-click your Macro from the User Macros window to execute it immediately. 

Any Macro you have selected will be displayed on the right side of the User Macros window. Multiple input fields allow you to set a preferred name for your Macro (limited to 20 characters) and add an icon to them. 

Final Fantasy XIV Macros Guide - Everything You Ought To Know

Setting Macro Icons 

After you have selected a particular Macro in the User Macros window, click on the gray box on the left-hand side, next to the name of your Macro. This will open a comprehensive list of default icons available for your Macros.

It’s considered perfect for combat Macros as it displays the recast timer and the maana cost, just like a default skill available in the game. The icons can also be used for waymarks, items, pet commands, emotes, and much more. 

In case one of your Macros isn’t showing up currently, try including the type of icon in the command after the name, such as: 

/micon greeting emote
/micon stay pet 

However, keep in mind that Macros for combat, gathering, and crafting actions do not require a category tag to be added after the skill name, as it adds it to the “Action” category by default; here are some examples of such Macros 

/micon innovation
/micon unearth
/micon medica 

Additionally, for the items with more than one word in their names, you have to use quotation marks, such as: 

/micon "wind-up leviathan" minion
/micon "cure II"
/micon "battle bear" mount 

This does not apply to hyphenated names, like: 

/micon hi-cordial item 

There are also certain categories for which the icons cannot be used, like squadron commands, traits, system menu, etc. 

How To Resolve Errors Related To Macros?

If a Macro is unsuccessful in execution, it will trigger an error message in the chat. This can happen for various reasons, for example, when trying to resurrect a living team member, using a skill without adequate resources, or shielding a non-existent target. 

These error messages can be annoying for your team and sometimes can even flood the whole chat window. Fortunately, you can easily prevent this from happening by just using one line of command, either at the beginning or the end of your Macros: 

/merror off 

Chat Macros Available in FFXIV 

There are various different types of Macros that you can use in context to the chat feature in the game. Here are some of my preferred Chat Macros that I often use in the game: 


Pre-Written Message 

Although the use case for this macro is pretty limited, it can be extremely helpful for people who are playing FFXIV on their PS4 and don’t have a keyboard connected to the system. Due to this, chatting might become very inconvenient for them. 

You can use this Macro to set some predefined messages you can send when not engaged in action. They can be easily activated with just a press of a button. You can also set prewritten messages for greeting your fellow teammates. 

You can even use this Macro to let your team know that the player you’re using is fairly new to you, indicating that you might need assistance during team fights. For trollers, though, this Macro can be used to print ASCII art in the chat. 

However, ensure that you do not spam the chat box by using this Macro, as it will make it harder for your team to communicate during the match and decrease your coordination. 

Coordinating Strategy and Positions 

If you have recently started learning about savage fights in FFXIV, you’ll soon realize that Macros are quite popular among PUGs (pick-up groups) in the party finder. As these roles are more complicated and consist of more moving parts, Macros can greatly help with them. 


There might be an instance where a party member may need to be in a specific position to perform a mechanic correctly. You can post a Macro in the chat that specifies everyone’s position at the beginning of the fight to help save time. 

This also helps your teammates understand what they are supposed to do at particular moments in the game. Moreover, as all Macros are created independently, your teammates can devise new things and devise their own tactics. 

Using Sound Effects 

Sound effects can be extremely useful during the gameplay, but just ensure you don’t spam them unnecessarily. These can be very annoying for the team if overused, so ensure you only add them if they add value to your Macro. 

One of the most useful purposes of using sound effects in Macros is to make your teammates aware of possible raids by the enemy team using the “Warning” sound effect. This will let your teammates move to your spot quickly for assistance. 

Also, remember that certain sound effects are too quiet to be heard properly amidst combat, so make sure you are informed about the use of sound effects. You can play around with various sound effects by using the game’s echo command (/e). 

/micon 3 gearset
/gearset change 3
/hudlayout 4 

You can also enhance your gaming interface with the help of Macros in FFXIV. There are tons of system command Macros available that allow you to hide or reveal UI elements with the help of the /hud command. The subcommands for this are “on”, “off”, and “toggle”. For instance: 

/hud dutylist toggle
/hud scenarioguide toggle 

It also allows you to modify the system settings, such as muting the game in one click or setting the volume to your preferred value. Here’s how: 

/master volume 0 

You can even assess your enemy’s gear without repeatedly accessing the menu. All you have to do for this is set up a mouse keybind (Ctrl + M3), which then requires you to just hover over the player, and it will open the character screen for you. 

/merror off
/check <mo> 

Macros can also be made to change your gear set and renovate the entire HUD layout. If you are a player who tends to use different HUD layouts for the varying roles in the game, you will find these Macros extremely helpful. 

/micon 3 gearset
/gearset change 3
/hudlayout 4 

Some people even use Macros to perform transformations while your character performs a particular skill. For more advanced users, you can create nested hotbars that make everything more organized and easily accessible. 


Combat Macros To Use in FFXIV 

As the name suggests, combat Macros are the ones used to assist you during fights in Final Fantasy XIV. However, note that they are not meant to automate the combats entirely. After all, it is a game, and automating the core aspect of it won’t be fun or engaging. 

Still, there are a bunch of Macros that can be used to enhance your character’s combat abilities. Macros should be used in a limited manner during combats, and no matter what, make sure you don’t try binding them with weapon skills and spells. 

In the upcoming section, you’ll know why these Macros are not that useful during combat. Yet, there are still certain ways to use these macros on GCD skills, including skills that target other players or have an AOE indicator placement. 

If you are trying to create a macro for targeting a player, you should use a mouseover macro. While various chat macros can also be used during combats, they are generally considered spammy. 

Here are some combat Macros you can use: 


Shirk Your Co-Tank 

Using this Macro, you can shirk the party member in your preferred position, which is more beneficial if it is your tank by default. The below-given Macro will display a shirk icon as well as the remaining cooldown: 

/merror off
/ac "Shirk" <2>
/micon "Shirk"

Single-Target Ally 

With the single target ally Macro, you can target any player by hovering your mouse over them. This facilitates providing support to your teammates if their character is available within the range. Even if you don’t mouseover any player, the target will go straight to your tank. 

That makes it especially useful for tank swaps and great for something like Dragoon’s Dragon Sight. 

/merror off
/ac "Heart of Stone" <mo>
/ac "Heart of Stone" <2>
/micon "Heart of Stone"

Single-Target Highest Enmity 

The single-target highest enmity macro is quite similar to the earlier one, with the only difference being that it target’s the ally who has the enemy’s attention for the time being. It is especially useful if you are a healer and your ranks and sweeping throughout the combat. 

If you already know about the assist target keybind, which is used for targeting the target of your present target, then you won’t need to use this as the former is more effective. 

/merror off
/ac "Divine Benison" <tt>
/micon "Divine Benison"

Ground Indicator Placement 

This Macro allows you to place an AOE on your target, the target’s target, and on yourself too. If you are in circumstances where the boss is off the arena, then the AOE will be placed on the main tank instead.

It’s one of the most popular uses of Macros in combat, as placing ground indicators manually can be time-consuming. However, using a separate keybind for non-macroed skills is still recommended, so it allows you to direct the placement if required manually.  

/merror off
/ac "Asylum" <t>
/ac "Asylum" <tt>
/ac "Asylum" <me>
/micon "Asylum"

Chat Notifications 

With the help of the chat notifications Macro, you can let people in your party know who you are trying to raise. This can save a lot of time for healers by preventing them from raising the same target again. 

It is advised that the chat Macros in combat should be kept simple and not spam the chat box. People often use these Macros to notify their teammates about certain situations, such as an important cooldown item. 

/ac "Raise" <t>
/p Raising <t>
/micon "Raise"
/macroerror off

Cooldown Notifications 

Personally, I don’t find much use for cooldown notification Macros in the game. They send a message in the chat and a sound effect that’s only viewable and hearable by you. The script waits for a skill’s cooldown to finish and then notifies you. 


However, the cooldown needs to be less than 60 seconds for it to work. Additionally, if you use any other macro in between executing this, the cooldown notification will stop, which makes this Macro extremely niched down. 

/ac "Elixir Field"
/e Elixir Field is ready! <se.5>
/merror off

The Shortcomings Of Combat Macros You Should Be Wary Of:

When I first learned about Macros in FFXIV, I tried to be too clever with them by trying to use them in combat. It started with me making a simple multi-step combo macro and trying to execute it with a button press. However, it didn’t take much to realize how less effective they were. 

As the global cooldown is set to 2.5 seconds, which is further added up by spell speed and skill speed substats, you would want to use various wait commands to perform a simple three-step combo without producing any errors. 

Unfortunately, even the wait commands can only be operated in one-second intervals. On top of that, the rounding-off trait we discussed earlier further reduces the speed of your combos, making you a lot less effective in combat. 

If somehow you still manage to use such Macros on every GCD, your character would still be able to perform only at around 83% of the GCD output, which certainly isn’t something that optimizes your combat in any way. 


As a new player, you should always try to keep your GCD rolling, so you should always be casting to drop nearly 20% of your GCD. Setting up an additional Hotbar will only make things agitated and will not be worth it. 

Now you may wonder if chaining multiple combos isn’t worth it, then using a single GCD skill might do any good for you. However, there’s a drawback associated with that too. You might not know that you can hit the GCD button moments before it is ready. 

FFXIV queues the skill, and once the GCD is ready, it executes the combo while leaving your GCD rolling uninterrupted. Unfortunately, macros cannot be queued, so nothing will happen even if you press the keybind moments before the GCD is activated. 

To get it to work, you would have to spam the button like crazy, and even then, you have to be extremely lucky to pull it off accurately. 

How To Use Crafting Macros Effectively?

Crafting is one of the most effective ways to use Macros in Final Fantasy XIV that allows players to make quick and high-quality crafts by clicking a button. They generally depend on meeting a certain threshold on your maximum CP to cast the required skills. 

For example, such a Macro might include information such as the durability craft, the number of HQ materials, and stats required. Such Macros also tend to be long, so it is helpful to place an echo statement to get notified when the item build is complete. 

You can easily find the required craftsmanship and control stats on the internet to ensure accuracy in your builds. If, for any reason, the control stat is slightly lower, then you won’t be able to get high-quality results or even fail entirely. 

Furthermore, if you gear your crafters properly, there’s no harm in using normal quality materials. It’s now even easier to gain 100% quality craft with the recent changes brought to the Shadowbringers crafting. 

You may also find a lot of Macros online that expect one or more components to be HQ to attain a high-quality build. Regardless, if you are making one for yourself, ensure you include the required CP in the name of your Macro. 

Gathering Macros in FFXIV 

While few Macros are available for gathering purposes, some can make it easier to gain the collectibles and boost your collectibility rating with just a click of a button. Here’s one that requires you to have 600 GP: 

/ac “Discerning Eye” <wait.2>
/ac “Impulsive Appraisal II” <wait.3>
/ac “Discerning Eye”
/ac “Single Mind” <wait.2>
/ac “Impulsive Appraisal II” <wait.3>
/ac “Discerning Eye”
/ac “Single Mind” <wait.2>
/ac “Methodical Appraisal” <wait.3>

All The Macro Commands For Varying Purposes

Here’s a handy list of Macro commands that you can use while creating your own Macros: 

Chat Commands 

Command Shorthand Use 
/say /sSends messages to all PCs within a small radius 
/shout /sh
/tell[pc_name] /tSends messages to a particular PC 
/party /pSends messages to all members of the party 
/linkshell /eSends messages to all members of your linkshell 
/echo /eSends messages that only you can see 
/chatmode /cmSet the default chat mode 

Action Commands 

Command ShorthandUse
/action /acExecute an action on a particular target 
/petaction /pacExecutes a pet action on the specified PC 
/companionaction/cacExecutes a companion action 
/macroicon /miconModify icon with the ability name 
/recast Displays the remaining time until the next action can be performed 
/actionerror /aerrorEnables or disables action errors 
/equipaction /eactionEquips an action in your preferred slot 
/actionqueue/aqEnable priority input feature for the actions 
/actioncancel /acan Allows canceling of actions 

Targeting Commands 

Command Shorthand Use 
/targetmode /tmodeShift between available target modes 
/battletargetmode /btmodeShift between targeting mode for engaged enemies 
/directtarget/dtarToggle direct targeting on 
/targetpcTarget the closest PC in a specified radius 
/targetnpc Target the closest NPC 
/targetenemy/tenemy Target the closest enemy 
/battletarget /btTargets the closest engaged ally 
/lockonLock on to a particular target 
/autolockon /autolockAutomatically lock into targets and enable toggle 
/assist /asTargets the specified PC’s target 
/subtarget/stToggles sub targeting while executing commands 
/facetarget /ftTurn to face the main target 

Equipment Commands 

Command ShorthandUse 
/display Toggles gear display 
/job Toggles associated with class job 

Party Commands 

Command ShorthandUse 
/partycmd /pcmdAllows to execute party commands 
/join Accept a party invite 
/decline Reject a party invite 

UI Display Commands 

Command ShorthandUse 
/actionbar /abarToggle the action bar display methods 
/actionbarhelp/abarhelpShows popup help text for action bars 
/targetcursor /tcursorView the target cursor’s default position 
/names Turn names on or off 
/enemylevel/elevelDisplay the enemy’s level below their name 
/enemyicon/eiconDisplay active and non-active enemy icons 
/enmity /enmDisplay enemy enmity icons 
/awayChange your online status to away 
/countdown /countStart a countdown in seconds 

Menu Commands 

Command ShorthandUse 
/lootOpens the loot list 
/friendlist /flistOpens your friend list 
/blacklist /blistOpens your blacklist 
/map Opens the area map 
/supportdesk/helpdeskAccess the help desk menu 
/logout Initiate the logout process 
/shutdown Exit from the game 

Configuration Commands 

Command ShorthandUse 
/shadow Toggle character shadow display 
/dusteffect/dustToggle character feet graphic effect display 
/physics Toggle realistic physics 
/profanity Toggle the profane language filter 
/scrollingbattletext/sbt Toggle the damage and combat details display
/extendeddraw/edrawExtend the range for drawing graphics 
/textclear /tc Toggle the auto-hide feature for num log 
/camera /cam Set the camera position to default 
/uilock Prevent resizing of UI 
/uihelp Shows help text for UI elements 

Player Search Commands 

Command Shorthand Use 
/search /whoSearch for players using certain conditions 

Other Commands 

Command Shorthand Use 
/?/[command] Get a detailed explanation of a particular command 
/wait Adjust the pause between commands 
/battlemode /bmToggle between active and passive modes 
/item Uses a particular item on a specific target 
/marking /enemysign Set a sign on a target 
/automove Continue walking in a particular direction
/check Checks your target player
/clock Displays the current time 
/random/diceGenerate a random number for your designated range 
/equiplinkshell /elActivate a designated linkshell 

A Collection of The Best Macros in FFXIV 

Here are some amazing Macros that you can use in your FFXIV gameplay: 

Blacklist The Person Who Whispers You 

/blist add <r>

Remove Regen Effects 

/statusoff "Regen"
/statusoff "Aspected Helios"
/statusoff "Aspected Benefic"
/statusoff "Medica II"
/statusoff "Whispering Dawn"

Paladin Oath-Swapping 

/macroicon "Shield Oath"
/ac "Shield Oath" <me>
/ac "Sword Oath" <me>

Make Your Weapon Glow 


Flaming Arrow Skill 

/micon "Flaming Arrow"
/merror off
/ac "Flaming Arrow" <t>
/ac "Flaming Arrow" <t>
/ac "Flaming Arrow" <t>
/ac "Flaming Arrow" <t>
/ac "Flaming Arrow" <t>
/ac "Flaming Arrow" <t>
/ac "Flaming Arrow" <t>
/ac "Flaming Arrow" <t>
/ac "Flaming Arrow" <t>
/ac "Flaming Arrow" <t>
/ac "Flaming Arrow" <t>
/ac "Flaming Arrow" <t>
/ac "Flaming Arrow"


/micon "A" waymark
/waymark A
/waymark A

Half AFK Fishing 

/macroicon "Cast"
/macroerror off
/ac "Cast" <me>
/ac "Hook" <me><wait.8>
/ac "Mooch" <me>
/ac "Cast" <me><wait.1>
/ac "Mooch" <me>
/ac "Cast" <me><wait.1>
/ac "Mooch" <me>
/ac "Cast" <me><wait.1>
/ac "Mooch" <me>
/ac "Cast" <me>

The Takeaway 

Overall, Macros are a great way to enhance your gameplay experience and bring a sense of innovation to the game.

If you use them at the right time, they can certainly help you with many repetitive tasks in the game. Hopefully, this guide proved to be helpful in letting you know more about this aspect of the game. 

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