What is God Mode in GTA 5 and GTA Online?

GTA Online
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As you may know, GTA 5 stands for Grand Theft Auto 5. It is an open-world action-adventure video game designed by Rockstar Games.


It is one of the best games in the world. The game is so much fun, and there are endless possibilities. 

GTA 5 was released nine years ago. Still, its popularity makes it among the most popular Role-Playing games on PC, Xbox, and Playstation. 

God mod in gta 5

One of my favorite popular features of the GTA series is the God Mode cheat code.

You can gain special powers in the game using cheat codes for a short period.

The GTA games have always included cheat codes since GTA: San Andreas was released. 


Based on cheat code availability, GTA San Andreas is still the best GTA game.

In this article, You’ll get invincibility using God Mode Cheat Code in GTA 5 and access weapons and vehicles using other cheat codes.

So, let’s get started!

What Is The God Mode Cheat In GTA 5, and How Does It Work?

God mod in gta 5

The God Mode cheat in GTA 5 is simply a cheat code that makes you invincible. You can’t be harmed by bullets, fires, or explosions while in God Mode.

You can use the God Mode cheat code in GTA 5 for 5 minutes at a time. You’ll need to re-enter it multiple times if you want to use it for a longer period of time.


The God Mode cheat is one of the best cheat codes in GTA 5. Using it makes your character invincible and immune to all harm.

How To Become Invincible With God Mode Cheat Code In GTA 5?

The God Mode cheat code in GTA 5 is very easy to use. The code can only be entered for five minutes, and players can re-enter it whenever necessary.

With the God Mode cheat in GTA 5, you can become invincible in the following ways; you just need to enter a few simple commands for different platforms.

  • Xbox 360/ Xbox One/ Xbox Series S|X:- Right, A, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, RB, RIGHT, LEFT, A, Y
  • PS3/PS4/PS5:- RIGHT, X, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, R1, RIGHT, LEFT, X, Triangle
  • PC Cell Phone:- 1-999-724-654-5537 (1-999-PAINKILLER)

You should first save your game if you plan to activate the code. 

Because using cheat codes disables in-game achievements and trophies, but only for the current game session.


How To Apply The God Mode Cheat Code In GTA 5?

Players can activate the cheat code by pressing the correct sequence of buttons on consoles such as the Xbox360/XboxOne or PlayStation3/PS4.

If you use a PC, you might be familiar with different methods for activating cheat codes. 

When you played previous GTA games, you had to type cheat codes while playing. 

GTA IV introduced a new way to enter cheats by calling the given number through the in-game phone.

GTA 5 allows you to use both of these methods. 


When you press the  “~”(Tilde) key on your keyboard, the console opens, where you can type out the cheat code.

The in-game console will open up, where you can enter and activate the cheat code.


Now you know how to activate the God Mode in GTA 5! 

I hope this article has helped you learn more about the God Mode cheat in GTA 5. 

This is one of my favorite games because it allows me to explore the game world without worrying about getting hurt.


If you are a fan of GTA 5, I highly recommend you try the God Mode cheat. It is simple, fun, and a great way to get extra power in the game.

So, what are you waiting for? Go and try it out today!

If you have any further questions or feedback regarding this article, feel free to let us know in the comment section below. 

Thanks for reading!

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